Motorway A8 junction Aichelberg – junction Kirchheim/Teck Ost:
First combination of mobile traffic jam warning system and dynamic speed funnel system.
Due to the condition of the driving lanes, the motorway A8 in Germany was reconstructed between the junctions Aichelberg and Kirchheim/Teck Ost at sectors 7322 008 to 7323 010 from mid of June till end of July 2017. As subcontractor of the consortium Leonhard Weiss/Kutter Green Way Systems was also in the field for this project.
Traffic disturbances with jam like conditions were expected during the construction period due to the high traffic density. Therefore, a combination of a mobile traffic jam warning system and a dynamic speed funnel system was installed by Green Way Systems for the first time.
The project planning and execution of this new system happened within only 14 days.
Using the speed funnel (100 / 80 / 60 km/h) truck drivers will be requested in a timely manner to reduce speed, especially at road courses with slopes. This way the risk of rear-end collisions at the tail end of a traffic jam will be minimized additionally.
At the request of the customer there were additionally installed 2 cross sections with webcams for visual monitoring of the system. These were temporarily integrated into the webcam portal of the traffic computer center Baden-Württemberg for the time of the construction site.
This first-time combination of mobile traffic jam warning system and dynamic speed funnel system enabled an optimized construction process with reduced and uncritical traffic disturbances. The success is reflected by the very positive feedback of all involved parties.